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Clare Minter Reflexology & Wellbeing
Saffron Walden, Essex

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Reflexology for Fertility

Relieving stress to enhance your chances of conception...

Are you struggling to conceive?

You’re certainly not alone (although it can often feel that way) but many couples encounter fertility problems when they try to start a family.

Perhaps you’ve been trying to conceive for a while, or have already had investigations to understand why things haven’t happened for you yet?

You may have a reproductive health condition, such as Endometriosis or PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) that may make conception more difficult…

Frustratingly, it can often take time to work out a cause (if there is one), which can also add to the anxiety you may be feeling.

In my fifteen years of supporting clients in this situation, I’ve seen that reducing stress and making the correct lifestyle choices, can lead to a happy outcome!

“I cannot recommend Clare enough! With all of the fertility issues that we had previously, I only had 3 sessions of reflexology with her before I found out I was pregnant. She was so helpful throughout the whole pregnancy with giving me lots of advice, helpful information and of course the relaxing reflexology sessions.Thank you so much for everything Clare.”

Facebook review


The term infertility is used if conception hasn’t occurred after 12 months of trying for a baby…

  • Unexplained Infertility - You may have had tests showing that there is nothing wrong with either you or your partner.

  • Secondary Infertility - Perhaps you already have a child, but are finding it much more difficult to conceive this time around?

  • Female Factor Infertility - Other health conditions including PCOS, Endometriosis or Pelvic Inflammatory Disease, that may lead to blocked fallopian tubes and scar tissue.

  • Male Factor Infertility - May be caused by abnormal sperm (low count/morphology/motility) or physical damage, due to illness or medical treatment.

    "I initially saw Clare in August as I had been diagnosed with PCOS. My partner and I were trying to conceive but hadn't had any success. Clare gave me some good advice on diet and lifestyle, which I took on board. I hadn't had a cycle for 5 months and after just one reflexology session this happened! I became more regular with my cycles and in December found out I was pregnant {after 9 sessions of reflexology)!"

    Emma W., Haverhill

    Article - Is reflexology the new cure for infertility?

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Lifestyle factors

The ability to conceive depends on many things, but is most likely to happen if you and your partner are in good health.

There are many factors that may be having a detrimental impact on your fertility, including:

  • Poor diet/regularly eating 'convenience' foods and takeaways
  • High alcohol intake and ‘binge’ drinking
  • Long working hours and shift work
  • Skipping meals
  • Smoking

  • Weight (either being over or under weight)
  • Excessive/inadequate exercise
  • Regular long-haul travel
  • Recreational drug use
  • The use of muscle growth steroids

“What a journey... 18 months ago I started seeing Clare for fertility reflexology. She helped me get in the right frame of mind, not just at the sessions but in my daily life, taking stock of my diet, stressful job and general ways. The journey continued into maternity reflexology luckily and that's where my weekly/biweekly sessions were invaluable to help manage morning sickness, SPD and to help me to relax. Me and my little daughter Isla can't recommend Clare enough."

Vikki J., Wimbish

Reflexology for Fertility. Dandelion

Stress and infertility

The anxiety over fertility issues can add significantly to stress levels, meaning that you've become trapped in a cycle of expectation and disappointment every month.

You may feel resentful or jealous when a friend or family member becomes pregnant, but please don't feel guilty about this. These are normal human emotions and many others are going through this too.

Reflexology sessions promote deep relaxation and can be a very helpful way to totally 'switch off' for a while.

Regular relaxation is especially beneficial when experiencing fertility issues, as it reduces the stress hormone cortisol that has a negative effect on the entire reproductive process.

Article - Reflexology: can it aid fertility

“ I was on Clomid for a bit, which I found to be a nightmare and was starting to get very down about not being able to conceive... I truly believe that if you had not treated me then I would still be trying now... I can't thank you enough for all those afternoons of treatment, not just the reflexology but also for listening to me and advising me and stopping me from going mad!"

Alice T., High Easter

Hormone Imbalance

A whole range of hormones are involved in the reproductive process and these need to be balanced, to allow conception to occur.

Health conditions, such as Endometriosis and Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), have a negative impact on hormone levels and may make it harder to conceive.

The good news is that reflexology seems to have a positive effect on balancing hormones, with clients reporting:

  • Regulation of the menstrual cycle
  • More condensed menstrual flow
  • Return of periods (after long-term contraceptive use)
  • Reduction in PMS symptoms (including bloating and irritability)
  • Less discomfort (for those with Dysmenorrhea)
  • Reduction in pain for those with Endometriosis

Information and Support for Endometriosis

Information and Support for PCOS

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How reflexology can help

“Thank you so much for my session. It not only made me feel very relaxed, it made me change my outlook on everything!"

Emily R., Saffron Walden"

Reflexology works in a subtle way on a physical and emotional level and is especially beneficial for those experiencing fertility problems.

The calming and soothing effects of a reflexology session will gently ease away stress and tension and encourage you to ‘let go’.

You’ll have a safe space to talk (if you want to) and I believe that this can often help clear emotional blockages and allow you to move forward.

We’ll explore the significance of lifestyle choices during your consultation and a treatment plan will be devised.

Reflexology may help enhance your overall health by:

  • Boosting your body's own natural healing abilities
  • Encouraging all body systems to regulate and function efficiently
  • Promoting the elimination of toxins from the body

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Support for Assisted Conception

Perhaps you’re already going through fertility investigations or have an IVF cycle planned?

I know this can be a turbulent time emotionally, but I’m here to provide a 'listening ear' and would love to support you throughout your journey…

  • Reflexology sessions can help bring balance at each stage of the process and help you to stay calm and positive through the emotional ups and downs of treatment.

  • Reflexology encourages deep relaxation and can enhance feelings of wellbeing, which may be especially beneficial at this time.

  • Relaxation helps suppress production of the stress hormone cortisol, which may help optimise the chances of a successful outcome.

I’d love to help you with your fertility journey…

Book your consultation and first treatment here

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